WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that makes it easier to message people who are not saved in your contacts. Previously, users had to jump through hoops to message someone whose number was not saved, such as using a third-party app. This was especially inconvenient for quick or one-time conversations.
WhatsApp has made it easier to message unknown contacts by allowing you to search for their number in the chat bar and start a conversation without saving them as contacts.
According to reports from WABetaInfo, this feature is already available on the latest builds of WhatsApp for both iPhone and Android devices.
I have utilised the Chat button on my Galaxy S23 Ultra; however, it is not accessible on the WhatsApp desktop app. Nevertheless, this valuable addition enables users to connect with new businesses or individuals on WhatsApp without cluttering their phone books with unnecessary entries.
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Moreover, there have been sightings of WhatsApp working on incorporating @username support. Once implemented, this feature will streamline communication with new contacts on the platform, eliminating the need for their phone numbers.
If the Chat option is not visible within your WhatsApp interface, update the application to the latest version available on the Play Store. It’s important to note that this feature is being rolled out server-side by Meta, so it may take some time before it becomes accessible to all users if it hasn’t already.
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